Wednesday 21 February 2018

Idea Of Freedom

Idea Of Freedom
Western countries should maintain ‗delicate balances‘ between ‗collective security and Individual freedom‘, an over-reaction and under-reaction regarding ‗uncertain Threats‘, ‗operational secrecy and political openness and accountability‘, ‗Freedom of expression and freedom from threat and intimidation‘, ‗the needs of security and legitimate activities of fund raising and banking. Western world doesn't want the domination of Iran in the Middle Eastern region due to previous experiences from Iranian side, the United States have seen the friendship of Muslim state, during the period of Shah Phalvi period, they were very close to each other, but after the Iranian revolution both state were being involve in certain sort of issues; one of the key issue was, Iranian support of militancy after the Iranians revolution. United states were threatened many times by the new government of Iran.
This was the major factor which directly disturbed the peace process of Middle East, and this was the main cause of Iran- United States rivalry. Due to this problem, United state governments wants to destroy Iran, by using certain sort of tolls.

The Bush administration‘s engagement with Iran began positively. The two nations worked together to form a new Afghan government after the 2001 after the ouster of the Taliban. But efforts to cooperate on Iraq after Saddam Hussein‘s overthrow foundered. Iran increasingly provided training, weapons and support to terrorists and insurgents, first in Iraq and later in Afghanistan. U.S. and international concern about Tehran‘s nuclear activity increased dramatically in 2002, when an exile group revealed that Iran had secretly built a facility in Natanz capable of enriching uranium for use in nuclear weapons as well as civilian nuclear power reactors.
After Iran reneged on an agreement to suspend uranium enrichment in 2005, the White House backed an international campaign offering Iran a choice: aid and engagement or economic pressure.

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